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GISrael is the leading and most experienced geographic information database in Israel.

GISrael is the leading and most experienced geographic information database in Israel.  Since its establishment 25 years ago by “Mapa – Mapping and Publishing Ltd.” it has never ceased to update and renew itself.  At present the Mapa GISrael department, is the largest civilian cartographic department in Israel.  The GISrael database fully covers all settlements in Israel, even such that are not officially recognized, as well as all urban and interurban roads and highways in Israel.


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GIS GISrael – the leading and most experienced geographic information database in Israel

MAPA – mapping and publishing Ltd.

29 Ha-Metsuda st. Azor

Phone: 03-6210500 / Fax: 03-5256878
Email: info@map.co.il
Mapa – Mapping and Publishing Website: www.map.co.il
Mapa – Books Website: http://books.map.co.il